Risk-Based Approach for A Computerized System
March 8, 2023 Rafael PortRisk-Based Approach for A Computerized System
March 8, 2023
Rafael Port
Most companies have a risk methodology in place.
In this post, we want to remind you of the critical questions that should guide you during the risk assessment process and the key points where your computerized system can be at risk.
But before the questions, do you need to consider your acceptable risk level?
The questions we should have in mind:
▪ What can go wrong?
▪ What is the harm?
▪ What is the impact?
▪ What is the probability of a system failure?
▪ What is the detectability of a failure?
▪ How will the risk be managed?
The essential thing is to remember that there are risks during the Computerized system life cycle.

If you recognize a risk in one of your systems in one of the different parts of the life cycle, please don’t hesitate to contact us; we would be happy to help you.
This article was prepared by:

Rafael Port
Validation & Engineering Project Manager